Commercial Law Conference [Papers]

Date uploaded:
01 Mar 2024

Trusts: Corporate & Personal Insolvency

By Jonathan Evans KC, Joshua Kohn, Patrick Miller, Nicole Tyson & James Bowes

[Trusts and Judicial Directions - Joshua Kohn]

[Trusts and PPA Issues on Insolvency - Nicole Tyson}

[Courts Appointed Receivers and Managers to Insolvent Trusts - Patrick Miller]

Disclaimers and State Tax Updates

By Andrew de Wijn, Anna Wilson, Simon Tisher & Alistair Haskett

[Disclaiming Trust Income - Anna Wilson]

[State Taxes Update - Simon Tisher, Alistair Haskett]

Building & Construction: Practical Issues in Expert Evidence

By John Gurr SC, Jennika Anthony-Shaw, Arjunan Thangarajah, Jamie O’Regan, Ben Mahler

[List of Resources]

Challenging Regulatory Actions: Stays and ASIC Banning Powers

By Cam Truong KC, Kay Chan & Olivia Callahan

[ASIC Banning Orders]

Defamation and Social Media - The Impact of New Reforms and Looking Forward to Further Reforms

By Marcus Hoyne & Liz Main

[Defamation: A Primer - Marcus Hoyne]

[Defamation Reform - When What and Why]

[Digital Intermediaries Bill] [Police Complaints Bill]

Recent Developments in Respect of Subdivision B of Division 90 of the IPS (Corporations and Bankruptcy), Tracing and Pooling

By Peter Fary SC, Mark McKillop & Justin Mereine

[Pooling - Two Hurdles - Mark McKillop]

[for papers on tracing recent developments, please contact Justin Mereine directly via email:]

[Recent developments in respect of subidivion B of Division 90 of the IPS - Peter Fary SC]

Injunction under S.1324 of the Corporations Act: Use of confidential information to solicit and compete with employer in breach of S.183

By Glen Pauline

[Powerpoint Slides: Injunction under s 1324 Corporations Act - Use of Confidential Information to Solicit and Compete with Employer in Breach of s 183 - Glen Pauline]

[Paper: Obtaining Injunctions Against Use of Confidential Information, Soliciting Clients and Competing Against a Former Employer, in Breach of s.183 Corporations Act]