Taxation Implications of Buying And Selling A Business

Date uploaded:
28 Mar 2012

This paper examines the taxes applicable when buying or selling a business; specifically, capital gains tax, GST, stampy duty, as well as the sale and depreciation of assets; buying and selling of shares or units; and restrive covernants/restraint of trade. 

Other papers by Simon Tisher:
Property developments, duty and consideration (2015)
Non-arm's length income: How does it apply and where is it at? (2014)
The High Court and the ATO reshape the tax landscape for Trusts (2010)
The New Small Business Landscape (2008)
State Duties for Property Lawyers (2013)
Who wants to be a Director? (2013)
What's Happening in State Taxes Litigation? (2017)

Read Simon Tisher's profile.

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